Teaming with Peterson's, March 2 Success provides 2 courses with customized lesson plans and curriculum. Each section includes assessment tests, lesson plans with quizzes and practice tests.
Teaming with Peterson's, March 2 Success offers online courses, practice tests and flashcards to help students prepare for college entrance exams.
The SAT and ACT online courses start with a diagnostic test, using the results to develop a customized learning path. The lesson plans include interactive activities and quizzes. Each course also includes 3 full-length practice tests.
We offer 7 full length practice tests for both the SAT and ACT. Each section of the practice test is timed and scored just like the real test. When a section is completed, students can review their test and see detailed explanations of each problem. The practice test sections also include information about the test, test dates and tips and test taking strategies.
We also offer 25 decks of flashcards (20 Verbal and 5 Math) ranging in difficulty from easy to hard. The flashcards show a word or term, will read it aloud (if you have sound turned on) and provide a definition. Each deck includes a game or quiz to help review the terms included in the deck.
March2Success also includes information from College Options Foundation to help with the college application process. These materials include an overall checklist, specific resources to help with the admissions/interview process and finding financial aid.
March 2 Success includes materials to help meet STEM requirements. Teaming with Peterson's, we have added practice test banks with detailed explanations in the following categories:
March2Success is pleased to provide materials to help students who are pursuing a career in healthcare. We offer materials to help prepare for the MCAT, DAT and multiple nursing school entrance exams.
Our MCAT preparation includes 2 full length practice tests, that can be taken either timed or not timed. The practice tests cover the following subjects:
Our Nursing preparation includes specific and generic practice tests for the following:
Our DAT preparation includes 2 full-length practice tests that can be taken with or without the timer. The subject areas are:
March2Success continues to expand its offering of tools for educators and to encourage students through game-based learning. Partnering with premier app developers, we're able to add these free apps that range over several March2Success initiatives. All of these apps are free and developed by the U.S. Army.
We are pleased to offer the March2Success General Technical Mastery module to help prepare for the ASVAB and other vocational careers.
The self-paced, asynchronous online course starts is designed to help students assess and improve upon academic and vocational skills commonly taught in high schools across the United States. Students begin by taking a diagnostic ASVAB test. Upon completing the diagnostic exam, students will be provided with their results for each subject test, as well as their composite scores, including their General Technical score.
The prescriptive training course provides individual lessons for each learner based on the results of their diagnostic test, featuring engaging multimedia lessons, videos, and gamified exercises. These help teach and develop skill mastery in all sections of the ASVAB. Finally, students will see a summative assessment in the form of a full-length ASVAB exam.
For learners looking for more practice, two additional standalone exams are available, as well as flashcard decks for vocabulary and math and science formulas.